How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live 2023

With over a billion active users, Instagram is a popular social networking site. Numerous features are available, including the capacity to go live and communicate with your followers in real-time so learn here How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live.

Live videos are a great opportunity to interact with your viewers, and comments are a crucial component of that communication. Viewers can interact with content creators by posting comments and asking questions.

We’ll look at How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live in this article.

Why Would You Want to Turn on Comments?

It’s critical to comprehend the potential benefits of turning on comments during an Instagram live before learning how to do it. Instagram comments are a crucial component of engagement and can help your live video gain more awareness.

Additionally, comments can help you build a stronger relationship with your audience and make the experience more engaging.

How to Turn On Comments During an Instagram Live

It’s crucial to understand how to enable comments if you intend to go live on Instagram so that your followers may interact with you. This is how you do it:

How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live
How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live

Step 1: Start Your Instagram Live

Open the Instagram app and touch on the camera icon in the upper-left corner to begin a live video. Choose the “Live” option at the bottom of the screen from there.

Step 2: Tap on the Three Dots

Once you’re live, tap on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This will bring up a menu of options.

Step 3: Turn On Comments

In the menu of options, you’ll see the “Turn On Commenting” option. Tap on this to enable comments on your live video.

Step 4: Interact with Your Viewers

When comments are enabled, you’ll be able to see them as they arrive on your screen. For a more interactive experience for your viewers, you can read them aloud and reply to them at the moment.

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Additional Tips for Engaging with Your Audience

Here are a few additional tips for engaging with your audience during an Instagram life –

How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live
How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live

1 Encourage Interaction (How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live)

Throughout your live video, invite viewers to comment and ask questions. This will make the experience more interesting and maintain the interest of your viewers.

2 Respond to Comments

Make sure to read and respond to comments throughout your live video. This will help to create a two-way conversation between you and your viewers.

3 Use Polls and Questions (How To Turn On Comments When Watching Live)

Polls and inquiries are among the interactive tools available on Instagram. Use these tools to engage your audience in the discussion by soliciting their feedback.

Have Fun (How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live)

Lastly, remember to enjoy yourself while recording your live video! It’s crucial to have fun when using Instagram Live because it’s a fantastic tool for connecting with your audience.

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How To Turn On/Off Comments When Watching Instagram Live 2023

How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live 2023


A wonderful approach to interact with your audience and create a more dynamic experience on How To Turn On Comments When Watching Instagram Live.

You may enable comments and start communicating with your readers in real time by following the easy instructions provided in this article. Encourage conversation, reply to comments, and enjoy yourself!


How do I disable comments on Instagram Live?

To disable comments during an Instagram Live, tap on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and select “Turn Off Commenting.”

Can I block users from commenting on my Instagram Live?

Yes, you can block users from commenting on your Instagram Live by tapping on their comment and selecting “Block.”

How do I know if someone has commented on my Instagram Live?

Comments will appear on your screen in

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